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You've passed your test. Now you are ready for Pass Plus, the intensive training course that will help you become a better driver and get a discount on your insurance. So besides improving your driving skills, it could help you save money.

Why do Pass Plus

Statistically, new drivers account for almost 30% of all accidents on the UK's roads. New Drivers are also more likely to be involved in an accident in your first year of driving than at any other time. Pass Plus has been created to lower your chances of being involved in a serious accident and to offer valuable extra experience with a trained instructor.

Pass plus not only saves lives, it can also save you money. Because Pass Plus has been designed in association with the insurance industry, most insurance companies offer discounts which effectively covers the cost of doing a Pass Plus course.

Pass Plus should be taken within the first year of passing your driving test and must cover a minimum of 6 hours.


When you get your full driving license, you can book for a one day course of 6 specially designed training sessions.

  • Town driving - Aims to teach you how to safely navigate busy town streets and traffic.
  • All Weather driving - various weather conditions explained, advice on how best to drive in these conditions safely and what to do should you encounter problems such as skidding and aquaplaning.
  • Rural driving - teaching how to apply your knowledge to rural areas with a focus on observing the road head/bends/blind hills and slow moving vehicles.
  • Night Driving - aims to teach how to use lights correctly, how to be aware of pedestrians and other road users at night time and how parking is affected by poor vision
  • Dual Carriageway - teaching how to safely join and leave a dual carriageway, over take, maintain speed and judge distance with a focus on lane discipline.
  • Motorway Driving - With an emphasis on courtesy to other road users, observation and safe speed. Signage, motorway fatigue and breakdown procedures are also covered in this module.

There is no further test to take. When your instructor is satisfied with your performance you receive a certificate from the Driving Standards Agency (DSA). This certificate will earn you a substantial discount on your insurance premium from one of the companies in the scheme

Benefits of Pass Plus

As a new driver, you are more likely to have an accident in the first year than at any other time in your motoring career. Lack of experience means that you can be as much as TWO SECONDS slower than a more practiced motorist .

Young new drivers are especially vulnerable. They hold only 10% of licenses, but they are involved in 20% of road accidents in which someone is injured.

Pass Plus gives you valuable extra experience and positive driving skills that would otherwise take a long time to acquire. You should be a safer and better driver.